Each module in this new training series focuses students on one of the six important skill sets in learning Hakomi. In this module, we begin to integrate those skills.
The Art of Skillful Hakomi
Facilitated by Georgia Marvin and Fernando Gomez
"We support a balance between spontaneous, nonviolent, satisfying expression of all emotions. However, we emphasize what in Buddhism is called the higher emotions: loving kindness, sympathetic joy and equanimity. That's the sweetest dance there is."
(Ron Kurtz, Founder of Hakomi)
Saturday, Apr 13 from 10am to noon and 1pm to 3pm PST.
Please adjust to your time zone.
Attendance for online trainings will be via Zoom. You will need to create a free account and download free software from https://zoom.us
“Please Note Our Cancellation Policy: No refunds will be issued. If you cancel at least 7 days in advance, your payment will become a credit for future events.”